What is Mind Body Medicine, Clarion PA

Mind-Body Medicine helps people by looking at the whole person, not just their obvious physical or emotional problems.  It is based on solid scientific research and is becoming more and more popular around the world.  Mind-Body Medicine looks at illnesses from a holistic perspective, often combining features of Western Medicine, Eastern Medicine, and even spirituality and quantum physics.  It is the true expression of “holistic” as it draws from many sources throughout the scientific community, and looks at the whole person – not just their body.

Modern Western medicine is based on the philosophical view that everything is physical.  It grew out of the research of Isaac Newton (1642-1727) who considered the mind to be merely a by-product of the physical brain.  If you have a physical problem, they treat it with a physical solution, like a pill.  For some issues it remains the most effective course of action.  For example, if you have a bacterial infection, the best treatment is an antibiotic.

What is mind-body medicine?

This medical philosophy has produced a tremendous amount of beneficial medications and surgical procedures.  However, it does not take into account the non-physical aspects of a human being, aspects which have been proven to exist by the findings of quantum physics.  Quantum physics ultimately proves that everything… EVERYTHING… is made of energy.

Albert Einstein said it best: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.”  

The development of the electron microscope has turned the so-called “physical” world upside down, and proven it to be an illusion.  It has been calculated that if you took all 7.7 billion people on Earth, and removed all the empty space in between their atoms, the entire human race would fit into a single cube of sugar!  Let that sink in!  Einstein also said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

What is mind-body medicine?

So, if everything we call “physical” is made of energy, what about our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, etc.?  Well, they’re energy too!  And energy affects energy.  Or to put it another way, the energy that makes up our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and emotions, has a profound and immediate effect on the energy that makes up the “physical” body.  It can be a positive effect, or a negative effect… and THIS is the TRUE SOURCE of many diseases and illnesses – especially CHRONIC illnesses.

Western medicine is limited by trying to treat non-physical issues with physical tools.  It’s not that doctors aren’t doing their best to help you, it’s because their “modern” training is based on a limited, outdated philosophy from the 17th. century (Isaac Newton).

Now some of you might say, “Well wait a minute.  I’m taking pills for my depression and they’re really helping me.”  What’s really working for you is most likely the “Placebo Effect”.  The following is a quote from a Dr. Steve Harris, M.D. at the University of Utah School of Medicine… regarding antidepressant medications:

“The placebo effect of most antidepressants is so large that it outstrips the total effect of the active drug in most studies, for as long as the drug is taken”.

You BELIEVE the pills are helping you because your doctor said they would.  You trust your doctor… and you believe him/her, therefore you get the desired result by taking the pills.  The true healing power here is your Belief… not the pills.

what is mind-body medicine?

Once again, it’s energy affecting energy.  Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs – affect the biology of your body.  It’s the way we’re made.  All parts of our being are interconnected and inseparable; that which affects one part, automatically affects every other part… instantaneously.  When something physically hurts, it affects how we feel emotionally, and visa versa.  Mind-Body Medicine looks at the whole person when treating them, not just the part that “hurts”.

Medical Hypnotherapy approaches illnesses from this perspective.  It goes deeper than the mere physical problems to find the real cause… and the solution.  Once found and addressed, the problems simply go away.  You are more than just your body, feelings, or emotions; you’re all of them at the same time!

Here at Western Pa Hypnosis, I assist clients in seeking out and treating the TRUE cause of their physical or emotional problems.  Quite often, once a client simply becomes consciously aware of the real source of their problem, their symptoms disappear.  It’s really quite amazing.


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