
The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination

the power of imagination

The power of imagination is virtually unlimited.  In this post I want to talk about the power of imagination, and how it is the essential first step in literally everything that has ever been discovered, created, built or accomplished.  I will also explain how and why it applies to our physical and emotional health as well.

Imagination can be defined in several ways.  For example, one definition says that imagination is “the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.”  Another says its “the faculty or action of forming new ideas, images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.”  Both of these definitions are correct, but I believe there’s even more to it – as will be discussed shortly.

The human mind is an amazing thing.  It can imagine hypothetical, non-existent objects or conditions as if they were real.  Then it can use its creativity to bring them into physical existence.  The triggers for imagination are typically adversity, lack, and desire.  When we face a challenge, the mind goes to work to imagine a way around it; this can be physical, mental, or both.  When we lack something, and desire it, we first imagine having it, and then we imagine ways to get it.

It was people’s imagination that came up with the idea of being able to travel from coast to coast by covered wagon, railroad, automobile, and then airplanes.  Imagination led to the invention of the telegraph, then the telephone, then wireless communication.  All of the things we take for granted today from science, to medicine, to engineering and construction, were born by imagination; even the computer I’m writing this on was imagined before it became a reality. 

What if?   

Most imagination begins with the thoughts or words, What if…?  As humans, we have the capacity to bring things into existence, things which are only an idea.  The phrase “what if” triggers the imagination and inspiration to not only conceive the idea of something new, but also the creative ability to make it a physical reality.  Without our ability to imagine, we’d still be living in caves… or be extinct!

The imagination however, can be a 2-edged sword.  Just as we can use it to come up with brilliant new ideas to make our world more convenient, comfortable, safer, or beneficial, it can also be used for selfish, negative reasons.  Adolph Hitler had a great imagination, but it was used in a selfish, greedy, power-hungry manner, and we know how that turned out.  Millions of people died, and many countries were destroyed in the process.  So as you can see, the imagination is a very powerful thing, and it is virtually unlimited.    

One area where most people don’t realize that imagination can be used very successfully, is in the promotion and maintenance of good physical & emotional health.  Long before we had all the amazing medical diagnostic and treatment equipment that we have today, people relied upon a Healer or Shaman to address their health issues.  These individuals were the doctors of their day, and just like today’s doctors, they underwent rigorous, extensive training.  They learned to use what Nature provided to cure people’s ailments, and were highly esteemed in society.  As western medicine evolved, the position of the Shaman gradually diminished… which is unfortunate because there’s still a lot that can be learned from them.  Afterall, many of us wouldn’t be here today if some Healer/Shaman hadn’t saved our ancestors lives! 

the power of imagination

Fortunately, the essence of how the Shaman helped people to heal is still around today – but most people don’t realize it.  Bio-feedback machines are a good example of this.  With bio-feedback, it’s not the machine that’s helping the person, it’s the person’s response to what the machine does that’s bringing them the benefits.  For example, bio-feedback has proven to be very beneficial in helping chronic pain sufferers to reduce or even eliminate their pain.  It’s not the machine that’s reducing the pain, it’s the machine helping the pain sufferer to tap into their own imagination to reduce their pain.  By imagining the pain being reduced, the pain literally reduces.  It’s the power of imagination in action.  Quite impressive.

Some other areas where the power of imagination plays a huge role is with hypnosis and NLP.  These methodologies focus heavily on modifying a person’s thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives at the sub-conscious level.  For example, suppose someone comes into my office with a fear of public speaking.  First, I will help them to access the memory of doing something where they felt totally relaxed and comfortable.  Then I have them associate that relaxed and comfortable feeling with the act of public speaking.  Because the sub-conscious mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real or imagined, it will accept the new response of calm relaxation, and attach it to public speaking!  Problem solved!

imagination and healing

Another area where the imagination can make profound positive changes is with autoimmune disorders.  This would include such maladies as arthritis, chronic pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lupus, MS and dozens of others.  The one thing that is common to all autoimmune disorders, is that the immune system is attacking the body.  It’s supposed to protect the body, but for some reason it gets confused and attacks it instead.  Medications can frequently bring about some relief to such ailments, but they can only treat the symptoms, not the real cause.

With the use of hypnosis and NLP, the immune system can be retrained to stop attacking healthy tissue, and revert back to only attacking foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses and mutant cells.  When you use the imagination to tell the sub-conscious immune system what you want it to do, it understands!  As mentioned above, the sub-conscious mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real or what’s imagined.  Therefore, it accepts the imagined version of what you want – as if it were “real”.  It stops attacking healthy tissues and even assists in the repair of the damaged cells.  That’s the power of imagination!

imagination is real

Imagination is NOT imaginary, it is very real, and very powerful.  The Shaman of yesteryear knew it, and practitioners such as myself know it today.  There’s no need to reinvent the wheel here.  The ethical practice of hypnosis can help people to do some amazing things.  It doesn’t matter if the problem is physical or emotional.  The physical and emotional are closely connected, and it’s impossible to know where one lets off and the other begins.  As human beings, we are physical, emotional, and spiritual – all rolled into one big bundle called a person.  When you treat one part, it has a positive effect on the other two parts.  It cannot do otherwise.  Imagine that!

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