Release Trapped Emotions

Release Emotional Energy

When we think of emotions we typically think of the common ones like love, hate, joy, fear, happiness, sadness and a few others.  But there are in fact over 60 different emotions we can experience!  We all feel and experience them, but what are they… really?

Energy is Everything, and Everything is Energy

I’m going to challenge your “thinker” here a bit by saying that Emotions are forms of Energy.  Now stay with me here, we’ll take this one step at a time.  The statement above is 100% true… EVERYTHING REALLY IS ENERGY.  There is NOTHING that is NOT energy.  The world we see, hear, smell, taste or touch, is made of energy.  Our bodies are made of energy.  Our thoughts are forms of energy.  And our EMOTIONS are forms of energy.

“SOLID” MATTER Is an Illusion!

Solid matter is an illusion.  Don’t believe me?  Put anything under an electron microscope and what do you see?  First you see only a bigger version of what you saw with your eyes.  Focus deeper and you see smaller features that your eyes couldn’t see.  Then focus deeper and you begin to see molecules, then atoms, then protons, neutrons and electrons.  Go even deeper and you’ll see mostly “space” (99.99999%), no protons, neutrons or electrons.   At this point… Welcome to Reality!  Everything is composed of pure energy.

There are many forms of energy which do not appear as solid like our “solid” world.  Heat, light, electricity, UV rays and X-rays to name a few.  These forms of energy may not be “solid”, but we know them to be just as real.  Well, in the same way, our thoughts and emotions are just as real… and they can definitely have an effect on our minds and bodies – just like those other energies listed above.

Energy On The Move

Energy wants to move.  It’s just the natural tendency of energy to be on the move.  When it can’t move, problems arise.  For example, if you stop the flow of electrical energy, whatever was connected to it – stops.  Sometimes this is good, sometimes it’s not.  If you want the lights in your house to stay on, that electrical flow must continue.  But when the power goes out in a storm, and all of your lights and appliances shut off, you’ve got a problem.

In our bodies, when the energy of an emotion gets stopped or “trapped” somewhere, it vibrates at a different frequency than the  tissues around it.  Over time, those vibrations begin to affect the vibrational frequency of the surrounding tissues and make those tissues vibrate at the same frequency as the emotion… which ultimately leads to “dis-ease”.  It’s really not complicated when you look at everything as being energy.

A Body of Evidence

Our entire body runs on electricity.  It’s generated bio-chemically rather than with a generator or nuclear power, but electricity it is.  Our emotions are generated by our thoughts – both of which are composed of energy.  But strong emotions CAN and occasionally DO tend to get “trapped” somewhere in the body.  When this happens, sooner or later, a physical or emotional problem will develop wherever an emotion gets trapped.  That problem can be anything from a simple “stiff joint” in your finger to a full-blown terminal disease.  Or it can express itself as an emotional problem like depression, anxiety or something of that nature.  Many of what are considered to be “incurable” diseases are caused by trapped emotional energyThe key to returning to good health is to release that trapped energy and get it moving again!  Remember… everything is energy.

I use a very simple method to identify and release trapped emotional energy in the body.  My method allows me to communicate directly with the client’s sub-conscious mind to gain information that could not be accessed any other way.  The sub-conscious mind does 99% of our work for us, and it remembers everything we’ve ever experienced… in perfect detail.  It also knows exactly what needs to be “fixed” in our mind or body.  This wealth of information is easily accessible with the right methods.  And the sub-conscious mind is very willing to release anything that is not safe, healthy and beneficial to the client.  The results I’ve seen with clients (and myself) have been amazing!

By the way, my procedure is totally painless and does NOT require a person to re-experience a trapped emotion in order to release it.  In other words, you’re not going to get emotional from the procedure. 

Release Emotional energy – Until Then…

Little by little, alternative medicine practices are coming to this awareness… and doing something about it.  There are those of us behind the scenes, quietly and effectively helping people who are suffering from serious, debilitating conditions, to regain their health.  At Western Pa Hypnosis, LLC, I can guide you through a safe, easy and painless process to release your trapped emotional energy… and return to good health.  Your problem can be physical or emotional, it doesn’t matter.  It’s all energy.  The techniques I use are 100% Safe and Effective… and they work quickly.