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hypnosis treatment for phobias

hypnosis treatment for fobias – fear is a good thing… usually

Fear is usually a good thing, it warns us of potential danger.  It puts us on alert and prepares us to fight or flee.  From this point of view, fear is rational.  But sometimes our fear can get blown out of proportion and cause us problems, especially when fighting is not an option, and fleeing isn’t possible.  At this point, the fear can even become irrational.  Irrational fear can cripple a person’s life and if not dealt with, it can develop into full-blown phobia.

a phobia is fear out of proportion

A phobia is a subconscious reaction that you learned from someone else.  You probably don’t remember who you learned it from or when you learned it, but you DID learn it – and you learned it very quickly.  Well, if you learned it quickly, you can UN-learn it just as quickly.  I have yet to have a client that required more than one session to get rid of their phobia.  Of all the things I treat, a phobia is the easiest and fastest problem to correct!  I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to help someone who’s had a phobia for 10-20-30 years or longer, only to leave my office without it.  That really makes my day… and theirs!

Physical symptoms of a Phobia can include:

  • Feeling light-headed or dizzy
  • Stomach churning
  • Tingling sensations, hot flashes, cold flashes
  • Sweating
  • Shaking and/or trembling
  • Tightness and/or pain in the chest
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Difficult breathing

Emotional symptoms of a Phobia can include:

  • A feeling of overwhelming panic or anxiety
  • Feeling like you need to “escape”
  • Feeling “unreal” or detached from yourself
  • Having a fear of losing control or even go “crazy”
  • Feeling like you’re going to pass out or even die
  • Being aware that you’re over-reacting, but feeling powerless to control your fear
hypnosis treatment for phobias – phobia treatment philosophy

In the Hypnosis/NLP model, no one deliberately chooses to do something contrary to their own best interests or well-being.  Or to put it another way, “Behind every behavior is a Positive Intention.”  No matter how bazaar a person’s actions or beliefs may be, at some level they make perfect sense to them.  The same thing applies to a fear.  Phobia treatment with Hypnosis/NLP is the solution.

phobia treatment with hypnosis & nlp

When a fear or phobia becomes a problem, Hypnosis and NLP can help.  A great deal of the work I do involves helping a person to modify their point of view.  In NLP it’s called Reframing.  For example, have you ever noticed how simply changing the frame on a picture or painting can make everything look different?  Well, that’s what we can do with a person’s phobia.  Dr. Wayne Dyer said it best; “When you change the way you look at something, the thing you’re looking at changes.”

Changing one’s point of view alters the feelings about the thing they’re afraid of, and subsequently alters the way they perceive it and respond to it.  The result… their fear also gets altered; and is eliminated all together.  The technique I use to treat a phobia does NOT involve “desensitization” where you get exposed to the thing you’re phobic about over and over again.  That’s an “old school” method.  This is different… and it works.