anxiety treatment near Butler PA

Anxiety Treatment Near Butler PA – What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is “a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning”.  It’s an unpleasant experience that can totally upset a person’s life, but it can be helped with Hypnosis.

Anxiety can be serious and should be taken as such. There are dozens of physical and emotional problems that it can cause.  Anxiety is usually about something in the future that can be real or imagined.  It can cause real physical and emotional effects on the person experiencing it.  The mind and the body work together, they’re inseparable, what the one does – affects the other… without exception.  Some of the more common signs of Anxiety are:

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Headaches, Stiff Neck
  • Stomach upset, nervous stomach, nausea
  • Pulsing in the ear/dizziness
  • Heart palpitations, Chest Pain, Shortness of breath
  • Feeling like you are going crazy
  • Problems Sleeping
  • Fear that something bad is going to happen
  • Shooting pains in the face, numbness or tingling sensations

thoughts & anxiety

Anxiety generally results from worrying about something in the future.  It can also be something that is happening in the present that you’d like to change for future benefit.  Maybe you have a relationship with someone and you want to make a major change regarding that relationship, or even end it… but you don’t know how.  Trying to think of the best way to do so makes you feel anxious.

Or you might be in a job you don’t like and you want to quit and get a different job.  Right away your mind starts firing questions.  It says things like, “What if I can’t find another job?” or “Do I have enough money to hold me over until I find another job?”  So it’s really your thoughts that are causing the anxiety.

I have a saying when it comes to anxiety:  “The problem is not the problem.  How you’re thinking about the problem… that’s the problem.”
I’ve found this to be true in every client I’ve worked with.  Thoughts create feelings… always.  It’s the way we’re made.  Thoughts create feelings, and feelings lead to actions… or in some cases… in-actions.  (With in-actions a person will feel “stuck”).  When you change your thoughts, you change the way you feel.  When you change the way you feel, you will change the way you act.  It all begins with your thoughts.

Roots To The Past

To the person suffering from anxiety, the symptoms are real; not their imagination.  What’s even worse, they can be extremely scary. Although Anxiety is usually about something happening in the future, its’ real cause can sometimes be traced to something in the past. If you had something happen when you were a child that impacted you emotionally, your mind got programmed by that experience. You may not even remember the experience, but that old programming is still running even though you’re all grown up.  Here’s an example:

Suppose somebody said or did something hurtful to you when you were little… physically, emotionally or both.  It might have hurt your feelings, insulted you or made you angry.  Years later you find that you are overly sensitive to places, situations, statements and/or people who unconsciously remind you of that experience – you might not even remember it!  Even though you don’t remember it consciously, your sub-conscious mind never forgets anything.  It never stops running that old program and making you feel bad.  It’s always on guard, watching out for a repeat of that old event you had when you were little.  The fact is, it’s trying to protect you.

Anxiety can be the result of an outdated program working sub-consciously. It can make you overreact with people and situations in the present – often in a somewhat “childlike” manner. It can express itself as inexplicable depression, sadness, a “quick temper”, or whatever it was that you felt during that very first experience way back when.  You can quite literally become a slave to the emotions that go along with it.  And the real downside is, you can’t control them.

Anxiety Treatment Near Butler PA – Getting to the root of the problem

The upside is that with Hypnosis you can find the root cause of your present anxiety-producing feelings, and eliminate the problem forever. You do not have to be a slave to some outdated, sub-conscious program. The sub-conscious mind does a really good job… most of the time. It doesn’t question anything like the conscious mind does, and it takes everything literally.  It just accepts whatever it learns, good or bad.  And that my friends, is the problem… and the solution!

By using Hypnosis for anxiety, we can easily break the cycle.  Although anxiety is in fact very real, it is not difficult to treat.  Anxiety is NOT A DISEASE, it’s the result of the way we’re thinking.  When we alter the way you think about something that makes you “anxious”, the anxiety goes away.  This can be done very quickly & easily with the proper guidance.