Month: October 2020

Don’t “Poo Poo” the Placebo Effect

Don't Poo-Poo the Placebo


Don’t Poo-Poo the Placebo

In my earlier post entitled “Hypnosis: True or False”, I mentioned that I might do a post on the subject of the placebo effect.  Well, here it is!  It’s a fascinating subject that is well worth exploring further.  Hope you learn something from it.

When people hear the word placebo, they generally think of it as something fake, or of no value.  But there’s nothing fake about the positive, documented results the placebo effect can produce.  We humans like to think we’re too intelligent to “fall” for a placebo.  Our egos simply cannot accept the idea of a phony medication doing anyone any good.  In other words, we don’t like the idea of being “tricked” into healing, but it happens every day.  And the bottom line is that the body knows how to heal itself!

Medical doctors are very familiar with placebos, and they use them… probably more than we realize.  The fact is, well over 1/3 of all manufactured drugs are no better than a sugar pill.  So, what’s really doing the healing?  The answer is… the wisdom of the human body!  Our body knows exactly how to heal itself – IF we just get our egotistical, doubting minds out of the way.  The following is a true story of a man who had a miraculous healing by way of a placebo.  It also tells what happened when he began to doubt his reason for healing. 

A true story

In 1950, Dr. Bruno Klopfer had a patient referred to as Mr. Wright.  Mr. Wright was hospitalized and expected to die from cancer within days.  Having heard of a new wonder drug called Krebiozen, Wright asked to be included in the hospital’s test of the new drug.  Initially he was rejected because doctors thought that he was too far gone to benefit from anything.  But Wright was convinced that Krebiozen would save his life, so he persisted and was ultimately accepted into the study.

Dr. Klopfer gave Wright an injection of Krebiozen – but didn’t expect to see any positive results.  Wright was bedridden in feeble condition, gasping for air.  The next day, he was on his feet, walking up and down the halls, telling the story of his miraculous recovery to everyone!  What’s interesting is that none of the other patients in the study experienced any benefits from the drug whatsoever.  Mr. Wright was the only one who had positive results.  The tumor masses in his body had melted away by 50% in just 3 days.  It’s important to note here that Wright only receive one single injection of Krebiozen.  No other medications were used.  Wright left the hospital shortly thereafter almost entirely symptom free, and even took a flight in his own airplane with no significant discomfort at all.

belief changes the outcome

After 2 full months of good health, Mr. Wright saw reports on the news that Krebiozen wasn’t as effective as doctors had hoped.  This news caused Wright to relapse right back into the disease and his tumors quickly returned.  Back at the hospital, doctors convinced Wright that they would give him a new “double strength” dose of the drug.  In reality, they injected him with pure water!  In no time at all, Wright was healthy and tumor free once again.  Two months later the AMA released their findings on the effectiveness of Krebiozen.  Their conclusion: “Nationwide tests shows Krebiozen to be a worthless drug in treatment of cancer.”  After hearing this, Wright died within a few days!  So, it’s not the power of the pill that heals, it’s the power of one’s belief.

case study

Another interesting study was conducted in 2002 by the Veteran’s Administration and Baylor College in Houston, TX.  The study was to determine the effects of “placebo” arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee.  Results of the study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in July of the same year.

There were 180 people who participated in the study.  They were broken down into 3 groups.  All members participating in the study were informed that some would receive actual surgery and some wouldn’t.  Members of group 1 were given standard knee surgery where surgeons remove the damaged tissues.  Members of group 2 were treated with an arthroscopic lavage that flushes out damaged cartilage.  With group 3, participants underwent simulated arthroscopic surgery.  There were incisions made in the skin only, but no surgery was performed on the damaged tissues in the knee.  Sounds and videos of an actual surgery were played during this procedure to make the experience as “real” as possible.

After 2 years of follow-up examinations, ALL members of the study experienced similar results in pain reduction and functionality.  What was most surprising was that the placebo group had even better outcomes than the other 2 groups!

the mind can heal the body

These true stories clearly demonstrate the awesome power of the body’s ability to heal itself… once you get the mind out of the way.  This is essentially the way hypnosis works in certain cases.  It bypasses the “critical factor” in the conscious mind and goes directly to the powerful sub-conscious mind.  The sub-conscious mind and the body are in constant communication, and they know how to heal whatever needs to be healed.

The main reason why we have to bypass the conscious mind is because it thinks it’s in control.  In reality, it has control over very little.  The conscious mind is where the ego is – it thinks it knows everything about everything and is never wrong!  Yes, it’s egotistical and highly resistant to changing.  But it’s not all bad, and it plays an important role in our daily lives.  There are many things it does very well.

just a tool

That being said, I think it’s also important to point out that not all of what we can do with hypnosis involves the placebo effect; in fact, very few procedures are dependent upon it.  It’s just one small tool in our hypno-toolbox… just like the sugar pill is only one option for medical doctors.  The vast majority of the work I do, has to do with making changes to my client’s beliefs and perspectives.  Most of my clients have problems because they’re living with an outdated, obsolete belief somewhere.

Like most everything else, many of a person’s present-day problems are rooted in a belief they picked up earlier in life, possibly even in childhood.  They don’t remember when or where they got it… but it’s there nonetheless.  And perspectives (points of view) regarding their problem – or the cause of it – can be just as troublesome.  These are what require the most attention in the majority of my sessions. 

the bottom line

The bottom line to all of this is that we humans are amazing and complex creatures.  In some ways brilliant, while at the same time quite primitive.  It’s a good thing that our bodies know how to heal themselves, otherwise we would have gone extinct long ago!  The body is an amazing bio-mechanical machine, complete with a built-in monitoring system that can detect the slightest malfunction, and correct it.  And it does so without the conscious mind even knowing about it. 

The sub-conscious mind never misses anything… ever!  It works hand-in-hand, night-and-day with the wisdom of the body, to keep us alive and well.  Moreover, the placebo effect is just a tool that is occasionally used to access and affect the sub-conscious mind directly.  It’s the power of belief that makes the placebo effect possible.  Beliefs are more powerful than anything you can get at the drug store – and a lot cheaper!  If someone really believes that something will work, odds are it will.  There’s nothing phony about their healing.

Call for a Free Consultation 724-691-3928

The Benefits of Gratitude

The Benefits of Gratitude

the benefits of gratitude

The benefits of gratitude are numerous.  Read on to learn how gratitude can change your entire outlook on situations, experiences, and life in general.

So often people complain about things in their life.  They say things like “I hate my job”, “Why did I get involved with him/her in the first place?” “I’ll never get over that bad experience” (or whatever it might be).  Whenever we focus our attention on any experience or situation that we don’t like, it only makes us feel worse.  Admittedly, it’s tough to focus on something else when you’re right in the middle of some challenging or unpleasant situation.  However, its only by changing our point of view that we are able to escape its negative effects.

One of my favorite tools for helping someone alter their viewpoint and escape from the effects of a challenging experience, is called Reframing.  I’d like to share with you a personal experience that exemplified reframing very well.  Back in the 90’s there was a TV show on PBS called “The Joy of Painting, with Bob Ross”.  Bob could create an amazingly beautiful painting in only about 20 minutes.  I really enjoyed his shows and decided to give it a try for myself.  It took some practice to learn, but eventually I got the hang of it and made some pretty nice paintings.


One day I was curious to see if I could do a painting by using only 2 colors.  I chose Brown and Indian Yellow.  I painted a picture of an old, abandoned cabin and a broken-down, horse-drawn wagon.  Finally, I put some trees and shrubs in to fill up the spaces, along with some birds in the sky in the background.  When it was finished, I thought it was okay, but nothing to get excited about.

Fast forward about 10 years.  A neighbor lady stopped in one day – don’t remember why.  I had a few of my favorite paintings on my walls, and a stack of other paintings that I wasn’t really crazy about.  As she flipped through those paintings, she stopped on my 2-color painting.  Much to my surprise, she loved it!  So, I just gave it to her.  Afterall, I was never impressed with it.  It’s important to note here that I had never framed the painting, I just didn’t think it was worth it.  But she liked it and said she’d get a frame for it.

the benefits of gratitude

A few months later, I went to her house to see how it looked.  She had several beautiful paintings by real artists in her house – I was impressed with how good they were.  Then, I couldn’t believe my eyes!  Right there, prominently displayed alongside those professionally produced paintings, was MY painting with an immaculate frame around it.  I was absolutely blown away!  It was powerful, vibrant, alive, and just as good as all the other paintings!  Laughingly I told her that “if I knew it was that good… I would have kept it!”  She laughed.

My point here is that the frame can change everything inside it.  And this is one of the ways I help people – by teaching them to look at their problems from a different angle or perspective.  Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at something, the thing you’re looking at changes”.  This is so true.  A new frame made my “so-so” painting look incredibly good, and a different perspective can change how we feel about virtually any problem or situation.  We are so quick to judge things as being either good or bad.  But these are only judgements.  What’s good to one person may be considered bad to another person.  It’s really just a matter of personal perspective… a different frame. 


In my own life I’ve experienced some pretty heavy things.  But it was exactly those heavy things that taught me to look at things from a higher perspective.  One question I often ask my clients is “In what way(s) are you a better person because you had that experience?”  It’s the tough experiences in life that make us grow, and teach us wisdom.  Those who refuse to grow – always end up being bitter, angry, resentful, pessimistic, or just plain miserable.  The hard knocks of life have taught me to develop an “attitude of gratitude”.

It was the tough times that helped (or sometimes forced) me to grow – much more than the easy times.  Looking back, I appreciate those “tough” times, and I’m grateful for them.  I wouldn’t want to go through them again, but I appreciate them none the less.  And I’m grateful because it was the tough times that made me who I am today… and I like me!

yin yang symbol


Life is like the yin/yang symbol above.  In every situation, there’s an up-side and a down-side.  Nothing is 100% good or 100% bad.  It’s all a matter of perspective.  Taking the higher perspective (reframing) allows us to see the big picture which helps us to see both sides of the story, and much more.  So often we let our pride and ego lock us into a less-than-satisfying point of view, belief, or situation.  Many people are either stuck in the past over some experience, or living in fear of what the future might bring.

the benefits of gratitude

Developing an attitude of gratitude can reframe your world!  Be thankful for the wisdom you learned from the tough times;  they served a positive purpose.  And realize, that if you could make it through those tough times, you can handle anything that comes to you in the future.

If you can see this page well enough to read it, be grateful for your eyesight!  If your eyesight is such that you can’t read it, be grateful for all the years you did have good eyesight.  At least you have the good memories of being able to see well.  Some people are born blind – but that doesn’t prevent them from developing their other senses to compensate for it.  Besides that, they don’t miss what they never had.  There is always something to be grateful for.


Gratitude is so powerful that it affects our biology, physiology and overall health.  Being grateful actually has a positive effect on our respiration and heartrate by slowing them down and lowering our blood pressure.  It also reduces stress and anxiety levels.  Lower stress levels boost our immune system and enhance our body’s healing capabilities.  An attitude of gratitude enhances our cognitive abilities, allowing us to think more clearly.  It may not always be easy to be grateful, but trust me… finding the upside is well worth the effort. 

Here’s a very easy way to start developing your gratitude levels:  Every day, write down 3 things you’re grateful for.  You can write more, but start with just 3.  Read through your list every day, and avoid repeats, no duplicate words.  Do this every day for 14 days to start with.  You’ll be surprised at how many things you can think of!  Soon… very soon, you will build a new frame around your world, and view your life from an entirely different perspective.  Give it a shot.  Develop your own Attitude of Gratitude.  I’m even grateful for my ability to write this post, and for those who choose to read it!

Call for a Free Consultation 724-691-3928

Western Pa Hypnosis LLC