What is Medical Hypnotherapy?
What is Medical Hypnotherapy?
Medical Hypnotherapy is an advanced, specialized field of hypnotherapy. It uses imagination, imagery and relaxation methods to treat medically diagnosed conditions. Medical Hypnotherapy has proven to be very effective in treating Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Traumas and much more. It can also be highly beneficial for people who are suffering from Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and other Autoimmune Disorders.
what is medical hypnotherapy – your inner resources
Medical Hypnotherapy uses the subconscious resources available in all people to help them heal or cure themselves. This is based on the premise that anything the mind has caused, the mind can cure. The mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Whatever affects one of them – will affect the others. Your biology and every cell in your body is affected by your thoughts, beliefs and perspectives.
For example, an unresolved emotional issue such as anxiety, can (and often does) express itself in the body as some sort of dis-ease. A disease is an indication of something else. If you only treat the physical symptoms, odds are they will come back. However, if you treat the physical symptoms AND the emotional or spiritual issues, the problem will go away… and stay away. This is especially true with “chronic” conditions.
what is Medical Hypnotherapy – modern medicine has it’s limits
Modern medicine does a great job of treating acute physical problems. A broken arm for example, is not going to heal itself with hypnosis. If it requires surgery, then surgery must be done. However, the traumatic event that resulted in a broken arm can cause unconscious emotional or spiritual problems. Medical Hypnotherapy can help to resolve these issues in a positive way.
The sub-conscious mind controls the healing process and all other vital functions. Medical Hypnotherapy assists the client by helping them to access the resources of their own sub-conscious mind. Their sub-conscious mind can provide insight into the real cause of their problem. It can also provide the solution. This information can heal physical, emotional and spiritual issues, and bring them back into balance with each other. The end result is a healthy, well-balanced person.
what is Medical Hypnotherapy – benefits
The benefits of Medical Hypnotherapy have been documented in hundreds of clinical studies. Medical Hypnotherapy has proven to be highly beneficial in treating people with so-called “incurable” or “chronic” diseases. At minimum, it helps them to improve their quality of life. Most noteworthy is the fact that in many cases, clients are able to totally rid themselves of their “incurable/chronic” conditions.
Medical Hypnotherapy also helps people to maintain a positive attitude. It gives them tools that help them to sustain a measure of control and self-empowerment over their conditions. Finally, it gives them realistic hope. Hope is an essential part of the healing process and is far more powerful than any drug on the planet.
what is medical hypnotherapy – it’s the future of medicine
Western medicine is slowly becoming aware of the fact that we are much more than just our physical bodies. This awareness presents a major paradigm shift in how diseases need to be treated. It’s also sending shock waves though the drug companies because it threatens their monopoly over the healthcare industry.
Drugs mainly treat physical conditions – which are often symptoms of more serious non-physical issues. This is why they are so ineffective in treating chronic conditions. Chronic conditions all have a non-physical “root cause”. The future of medicine will recognize and treat the non-physical root cause by using non-physical methods like hypnotherapy and other holistic methodologies.
One of the pioneers leading the field of medicine into this new paradigm is Dr. Bruce Lipton. He is a former teacher at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine where he taught cellular biology for over 20 years. It was his own clinical research that compelled him to adopt a totally new way of understanding and treating illnesses and diseases.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of “The Biology of Belief“, explains how our bodies are affected at the cellular level by our thoughts, perceptions and beliefs. He also exposes the false claims being made by the drug companies.
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