Regression Therapy Hypnosis
Regression Therapy
In Hypnotherapy one of the most effective & beneficial tools is called Regression Therapy Hypnosis. I’ve used it to help people alleviate anxiety, heal painful or troublesome memories, regain self-confidence and much more. It’s also a great way to help those who tend to overreact when faced with a particular situation or problem, and they can’t understand why.
regression therapy hypnosis uncovers the root cause
In Regression Therapy Hypnosis, the goal is to guide people back to the root cause of a present-day problem. In hypnotherapy this “root cause” is called the Initial Sensitizing Event, or I.S.E. A lot of people say “but I have a poor memory, I can’t remember what I did 3 days ago!” Well, you may not consciously remember, but sub-consciously you remember everything. All we have to do is bring the sub-conscious part of your mind into play.
How do we do that? Our sub-conscious mind tends to file things more by feelings than anything else. In other words, good memories get filed with all the other good memories, and bad memories get filed with all the other bad memories… all based upon feelings. The feeling that goes along with a memory determines where the memory gets stored in the sub-conscious mind.
follow the feeling
To access a specific memory, I begin by having the client get in touch with the feeling that goes along with it. Then we slowly follow that feeling back to the original experience of that feeling… to the “Root Cause”. Once the root cause is uncovered, we make some minor changes to the experience (memory), and your present-day problem goes away! You still have the memory, but it lacks the emotional content that made you feel bad. It’s quite amazing really.
Some people have serious concerns or fears about re-living a bad experience from the past. This is especially true if the experience was traumatic. I understand this and take it into consideration when such instances occur. There is no need to drag a person back through all the emotions and “junk” they experienced way back when. It would serve no useful purpose. I go to great lengths to ensure that the client does NOT have to re-live the event in order to make significant, positive changes to it.
regression therapy maintains privacy
Another concern some people have is about having to disclose some very private or personal information during Regression Therapy Hypnosis. If this is a concern of yours, there’s no need to worry. I don’t really need to know all of the details. In fact, I don’t want to get involved in the details. That’s not how I work. All I need is a general idea of what happened. You can keep most or even all of the details 100% private, and still enjoy the benefits of Regression Therapy. It’s a liberating experience.