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Western Pa Hypnosis LLC operates in compliance with all matters of confidentiality as listed below.

The laws and regulations regarding confidentiality may vary depending on how hypnotists or hypnotherapists are viewed in a particular area. If you’re considered a health-care worker (for instance) you may be held to more strict confidentiality standards than if hypnotists are unregulated in your area. In general, it may be best to proceed as if you are required to maintain confidentiality. Remember that even revealing that a particular person is a client of yours may be a breach of confidentiality. In other words, except for specific exemptions, maintain the confidentiality of your clients. It’s mostly common sense. In any case, should you feel the need to break the confidential nature of your sessions, consult with a lawyer. Here are some possible reasons to break confidentiality:

• If ordered to by a judge.
• If you are sued by the client.
• If you believe the client is suicidal or otherwise may harm themselves or others.
• If your sessions are being supervised or reviewed by a colleague or supervisor (in this case it’s a good idea to get a signed release from the client that you’re allowed to discuss the sessions with your supervisor/colleague.
• If the client signs a release allowing you to discuss their case.
In addition to not personally discussing your cases, you are responsible for keeping client records and personal information secure.
• Keep any paperwork in a locked area.
• Make sure no one else has access to that area.
• Remember to think about the security of your computer as well (if there’s any client information on it). Password protect your computer and/or specific client related files.
• If you send email to multiple clients at once (such as marketing messages), do so with a method that does not reveal anyone’s email address to anyone else.
• Do not discuss session related issues in an unsecure medium such as email.
• Don’t release information to doctors just because they’re doctors. Make sure you have a written release from your client.