CALL NOW (724) 691-3928Hypnosis Frequently Asked Questions, Clarion PA

FaQ about hypnosis

NOTE:  If you have a question that is not answered on this page, please give me a call.  I’ll be happy to talk with you.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which your full attention is laser focused on one specific issue.  Such focus is very difficult (if not impossible) to achieve in the normal “conscious” state.  This altered state provides access to the sub-conscious mind where we can make changes that make a difference.  In addition, when changes are made at the sub-conscious level, they are permanent.  This is why hypnosis is so effective on so many different issues.  It allows you to see your problems from a different perspective, and to receive helpful insights and information from your subconscious mind.  Also, in the hypnotic state, people are more open to accepting suggestions (ideas) that can lead to rapid changes in thoughts, feelings and behavior… which leads to a better life experience.  Here are some statistics to back it up:

A Survey of Psychological Literature by psychologist Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates for various modalities of therapy:

Psychoanalysis: 38% Recovery after 600 Sessions

Behavior Therapy: 72% Recovery after 22 Sessions

Hypnotherapy 93% Recovery after 6 Sessions

Source – American Health Magazine

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP is a highly effective methodology developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970’s.  It was developed by studying excellence.  In other words, they studied people who had been personally successful at accomplishing something (like getting rid of anxiety).  They then developed methods, or procedures that would allow anyone to accomplish what they want by using the same methods that those successful people used.

NLP uses language and guided visualizations to alter or “reprogram” thought patterns, memories or beliefs that are causing problems.  Through safe, guided mental exercises, you can literally change the way you think, feel and behave.  It’s like rewiring your brain to work the way you want it to, instead of being controlled by your thoughts, beliefs and emotions.   The positive changes made through this process are fast and permanent.

Although the NLP techniques I use seem simple, their effects can be very powerful.  They can help you to quickly and easily connect with a desired feeling such as self-confidence, calmness or whatever you want.  They can take the “sting” out of painful, traumatic memories, and even relieve or eliminate “chronic” physical  pain, anxiety, phobias… and much more.  Unlike hypnosis, NLP does NOT require formal hypnotic trance to be effective.

What is emdr?

Another tool I occasionally use is called EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Dissociation and Reprocessing.  It is an amazingly simple, yet effective method for helping someone recover from a traumatic experinece.  A traumatic experience may include such things as child abuse, witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event, or even a serious accident.  EMDR removes the emotional connection from the painful memory.  It’s fast, painless, and very effective.  Learn more about EMDR here.

Are Hypnosis, NLP and emdr Safe?

Yes, 100%.

Is Hypnosis approved by the medical community?

Yes.  In 1958 both the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association approved the use of hypnosis. Many physicians, dentists and other practitioners use hypnosis.  In fact, the Mayo Clinic sometimes combines hypnosis with other treatments, based on scientific evidence that it works.

“The use of hypnosis has a recognized place in the medical armamentarium and is a useful technique in the treatment of certain illnesses.” – AMA

 “Hypnotism is of value and may be the treatment of choice in some cases.  It may also be of value for revealing unrecognized motives and conflicts in such conditions.  As a treatment, in the opinion of the Subcommittee, it has proved its ability to remove symptoms and to alter morbid habits of thought and behavior. – BMA

what are some common areas where hypnosis or nlp can be beneficial?

You can address any belief, behavioral issue, or chronic physical condition with Hypnosis or NLP.  If it involves the mind (which virtually everything does) Hypnosis and NLP can address it.  I specialize in the treatment of Anxiety & Depression.

Do you do hypnosis for weight loss or to stop smoking?


FaQ about hypnosis

How long does a session take?

Every session is unique, but on average sessions tend to last about 60 minutes.  Your first session will take about 90 minutes to 2 hours.  I schedule follow-up sessions for 60 minutes.  These times are estimates only.  Time permitting, I take whatever time is necessary to accomplish our goals for each session.

How many sessions will it take?

Your first session will be primarily diagnostic.  After your first session we’ll have a better idea of what it will take to thoroughly address your issue.  There are so many different variables it’s impossible to set a standard number for every issue and every person.  It will take whatever it takes.  It all depends upon what you’re dealing with, what you want to accomplish, and most importantly – how committed you are to the process.  I can’t help you if you’re not willing to help yourself.  If you don’t have the self-dicipline to do the therapeutic exercises I teach you, this is not for you.

Hypnotherapy is a process – not a “quick fix”.  This is because we’re dealing with making behavioral and belief changes.  You must be 100% committed to that process, otherwise you’re wasting my time and your money.  Just know that Hypnosis and NLP are very efficient… they work quickly compared to other methods.   You didn’t get your problem in a day, so don’t expect to fix it in a single session.  My goal is to help you reach your goal as soon as possible.

Is Hypnosis some kind of “Mind Control”?

Yes… but not the way you’re thinking.  When you come in for help with some issue, your mind is already out of control regarding that issue.  My job is to help YOU to regain control.  I can’t control your mind.  Besides, I have my own mind to take care of… and it’s a full-time job!

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  You put yourself into trance by simply following my directions – it’s not something I do to you… and I can’t make you do it.  It’s a mental state you achieve yourself… with my guidance.

Hypnosis gives you more control over what’s going on in your own mind.  It is definitely not mind control by the hypnotist who merely acts as a guide.  In the hypnotic state, you are always in complete control of everything… especially your mind.  You usually keep your eyes closed, but not because you are asleep.  It’s simply because your mental focus is entirely inward; but you NEVER lose control of your mind or anything else.  So the belief that hypnosis is going to turn you into some kind of mindless zombie where you walk around doing or saying things that you’re unaware of, is 100% false.

Well then what about those “Stage Hypnotists” who make people to do crazy things?

In my opinion, “stage hypnosis” is NOT true hypnosis… it’s manipulation.  Those people that get up there and do goofy things, are doing what they think they’re supposed to do… based upon what they believe hypnosis is.  But that belief… is false; and those “hypnotists” are just exploiting that false belief for profit.  They’re taking a legitimate healing methodology and using it as a form of entertainment; exploiting people’s ignorance just to make a buck.

Imagine a skilled surgeon going out moonlighting as a knife thrower in a carnival sideshow.  It may be entertaining, but it damages the credibility of a legitimate healing method.  It also reinforces people’s fears and false beliefs about it.  In short, it’s Unethical.

The average person knows little to nothing about real hypnosis, it seems mysterious and even a bit scary to them.  But it’s NOT their fault.  They’re only going by the bogus things they’ve seen on TV, movies or “stage hypnotists.”  This is why I take the time to explain things in great detail, and why this page is here for you to read.  Real Hypnosis is not mystical, manipulative or dangerous in any way.  If it was… I wouldn’t be doing it.  I’m ethical.

well isn’t what you do a bit manipulative?

There’s a big difference between manipulating and guiding.  I use very specific techniques to guide people to their own truth, and their own solutions to problems.  A big part of what I do involves helping people to realize that the answers or skills they’re looking for, are already inside them.  This is where the true power of hypnosis lies.

FaQ about hypnosis

Will I be asleep during hypnosis?

No.  The hypnotic state is in between consciousness and unconsciousness.  In the original Greek, the word “hypnos” meant “The coming on of sleep.”  It’s the point where your conscious mind has stopped all of its’ daily chatter and basically shut down for the day,  but you’re not really fully asleep yet either.  So hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness… not UNconsciousness.  Besides, if you were asleep you couldn’t hear what was being said or answer questions.  That whole idea of being asleep comes from ignorance of the subject matter, misunderstandings, and of course… Hollywood!

I’m afraid I won’t be able to wake up!  What if I get “stuck” there?

IMPOSSIBLE!  You cannot get “stuck” under hypnosis because you are always in complete control of yourself.  You can stop the process anytime you want.  And since you’re never asleep, there’s nothing from which to “wake up”.  To think about getting “stuck” in a hypnotic trance is like thinking about getting stuck in a daydream.  It just can’t happen.

Is Hypnosis associated with the Occult?

Absolutely Not.  Hypnosis is just a tool, like a hammer or a computer… nothing more.  In no way are hypnosis or NLP in conflict with the Judeo-Christian belief system or any other spiritual belief system.  You can use any tool for positive purposes or negative purposes.  It all depends upon the motives of the individual using the tool.  My only motive is to help people make desired, positive changes in their lives.  And for those of you of the Roman Catholic persuasion, Pope Pius XII even gave his approval of hypnosis in 1956.

do you ever address metaphysical or spiritual issues?

Yes, in fact these are some of my favorite subjects.  (Note: when I say “spiritual”, I’m not refering to religious, there’s a huge difference).  These types of issues are often the true source of many chronic physical and emotional conditions.  I approach metaphysical and spiritual issues from a scientific perspective that is based heavily upon the current understandings of quantum physics.  To quote Albert Einstein:  “Everything is Energy, and Energy is Everything”.  Your so-called physical body and mind (as well as everything else), is made of pure energy.  Your body is energy, your thoughts are energy, your feelings are energy, and your soul is energy; there is NOTHING that is not made of energy.  An imbalance of energy will ultimately lead to dis-ease within the body and/or mind.  Bringing your energies back into balance results in good physical and emotional health.

Are only “weak minded” people able to be hypnotized?

First of all, the phrase “to be hypnotized” implies that the hypnotist is doing something to you that’s out of your control.  This is not so.  You do your part, and I do my part.  The result for you is the relaxed, highly focused state of mind we call hypnosis.  Anyone can experience hypnosis, even those who are intelligent, highly analytical and hyper-vigilant.  It has nothing to do with how “weak” or “strong” one’s mind is.  In fact, we naturally go in and out of these “trance” states many times every day.  If you want to experience the benefits that hypnosis can bring you, then you can experience hypnosis.

Does it take “will power” for Hypnosis to work?

No, it’s quite the opposite.  Will Power is a function of the conscious mind.  But the conscious mind isn’t really running the show… even though it thinks it is!  The conscious mind is like the desk clerk at a hotel, the subconscious mind is the manager.  The sub-conscious mind is where the true power lies… that’s who we do business with.  No “will power” required.

FaQ about hypnosis

What’s the difference between the Conscious and the sub-conscious minds?

You are consciously aware of reading this sentence, right?  But you aren’t consciously aware of the feeling of your feet on the floor… but Now you are!  See the difference?  When something is sub-conscious it simply means that you aren’t consciously thinking about it, or aware of it at that point in time.  So don’t be afraid of your sub-conscious mind.  It’s keeping you alive by regulating your breathing, your heart rate & blood pressure, your body temperature, and a ton of other physical and mental things you could not possibly do consciously.  The fact is, well over 90% of your mind is sub-conscious!  It’s more “you” than your conscious mind.  The sub-conscious mind makes changes… the conscious mind makes excuses.

What does it feel like to be in the hypnotic state?

It feels great!  In fact, you naturally go through the “hypnotic state” at least twice a day and don’t even know it!  When you are in this hypnotic state, your mind is in the exact same state as it is when you first begin to wake up, and just before you fall asleep.  Daydreaming is another example of an altered state like hypnosis.  In other words, you are totally aware of everything that’s going on – but your mind is completely focused on one thing.  You could view the hypnotic state as a “guided daydream” or meditation.  I see hypnosis as “meditation with an agenda”.  As a matter of fact, if you are completely focused upon reading and understanding this, you ARE in a mild hypnotic state right now!

Do you do group sessions?

I do not do group sessions.  Hypnotherapy is serious business and deals with serious issues in people’s lives.  The best results can only be achieved on a 1-to-1 basis with a client.  Group sessions can be effective for general relaxation or short-term stress relief, but they are not effective for more serious issues involving the emotions.

do you ever work with children or teenagers?

To-date my youngest client was 15 and my oldest was 89, so I can work with a broad age-range.

I’d like to bring a friend with me. Can you hypnotize both of us at the same time?

Yes and No.  Hypnotherapy is about making personal changes, and to be effective, it must be done on a one-to-one basis.  Do you take a friend with you to the dentist or doctor?  Although you may take a friend along for “moral support”, they’ll most likely sit in the waiting room until you’re finished.  The same thing applies with hypnotherapy.  So Yes you can bring a friend with you, and No, you cannot receive my services at the same time.

Can I have a friend, spouse, or someone else in the therapy room with me?

No, it changes the whole dynamic and atmosphere of the therapy room.  When I ask a client a question, they may be reluctant to give an honest, or complete answer… if they know someone else is listening.  In some cases, that other person may in fact be part of the client’s problem!  This is therapy, not a bull-session.  The only rare exception might be if the client is a minor, and they would like one of their parents present.  Even then, I’d prefer to work with them one-on-one.

FaQ about hypnosis

Do you offer any type of Guarantee?

Medical doctors don’t offer a guarantee, and neither do I.  I can only guarantee that I will do my best to help you.  Other than that, there is no way to offer a guarantee because the bulk of responsibility lies with the client.  You are ultimately responsible for implementing and embracing the changes in your life.  Hypnosis can help you adopt the right mindset, dispel non-productive beliefs and perspectives, or uncover the root cause of a problem, but it can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.  You always have free will.

What if it doesn’t work?

What if it does?

do you offer refunds?

No.  I spend a lot of time preparing for, and delivering each session and I expect to be compensated for it.    


Clients will be charged for their scheduled session if they do not give at least a 24-hour advance notice to reschedule.  Cancellations without rescheduling and “no shows” will be charged for.  All sessions (including multiple sessions) must be paid for in advance.

Are Hypnosis and NLP covered by Health Insurance?

I don’t know of any insurance provider who currently covers Hypnosis and NLP.  If you find that your provider does cover such services, I will gladly print you an invoice to give to them.  But first, you must be receiving my services on the referral of a licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Professional.

Do you record sessions for future reference if needed?

Yes, I record all sessions (both audio and video) for your safety and mine.  In this “sue happy” world it is a necessity.  Since beginning my practice back in 1992 I have never had a legal issue with anyone, and I intend to keep it that way.  Recording every session not only acts as a deterrent to any unprofessional behaviors, but also provides evidence for the Judge in the event of a law suit.  It’s for your protection and mine.  Recordings don’t lie.

Occasionally, I may listen to a recording myself for the sole purpose of critiquing my own work. This is strictly to ensure that I’m doing a thorough job.  Plus, it helps me to consistently do the best I can to help the client.

I will NEVER play my recordings for anyone without the written permission of the client, or a Court Order from a Judge.  The confidential information contained on the recordings is private and must remain that way –  No Exceptions.  (Please refer to my Confidentiality Form HERE).  I store all recordings for an indefinite period of time in a private, locked location.  Your identity and privacy will NEVER be violated.   

* If you have a question that is not answered on this page, please submit it through the Contact link HERE.

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