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Alternative Medicine Benefits – Hypnosis & Autoimmune disease

At this point I’d like to introduce you to one of my personal trainers, Melissa Roth, Phd.  She has helped over 2000 people who were suffering from Autoimmune Diseases.  If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you already know that unfortunately, conventional medical practitioners can do little more than treat your symptoms.  Dr. Roth learned from her own personal experience with A.I. Disease that it CAN be effectively treated, and even eliminated with Medical Hypnotherapy.  The work I do is based upon the excellent training I received from her.  Thank you Melissa.    Video length: 43:23




dr. Martin Rossman: Healing Yourself with Mental Imagery

Dr. Rossman reveals his deep, personal frustration with the limitations of conventional Western Medicine.  His frustration ultimately led him to take a serious look at alternative methods which he found to be especially effective in treating chronic illnesses.  Hypnosis has proven to be a very effective alternative for treating chronic conditions.  Video length:  10:44



alternative medicine benefits – medical hypnosis

The video below by Dr. Maryanna Polukhin M.D. reveals the amazing benefits of Hypnotherapy.  It also gives a report of those benefits by one of her patients who suffered from severe neck pain.  These same benefits are available at Western Pa Hypnosis, LLC.  Video length: 10:30


Watch Medical hypnosis with maryanna polukhin, m.d.


an amazing real-life testimonial!

After a horrific car accident, Danna Pycher was out of options when it came to effective treatment for her Anxiety, P.T.S.D. and Fibromyalgia… until she discovered the truth about the effectiveness of hypnotherapy.  Her story is amazing!  What she learned from her experience is even more amazing!  Video length: 17:10




Become Proactive With Your Pain

Here in America when we have pain of some sort, we usually expect someone else to “fix” us.  And this has led to the Opioid Epidemic and many other problems.  But once you learn that the best person to fix you… is YOU YOURSELF… everything changes.  You have more abilities and resources than you realize, and you CAN learn what they are – and how to use them.  You CAN effectively control or even eliminate your chronic pain without medications.  Listen to this gentleman’s story for living proof!   At Western Pa Hypnosis, you can learn how to do the same thing.  Video length: 13:35



Alternative Medicine Benefits – Short Story

This short 7 minute video supports my views on how our Thoughts and Emotions determine our feelings and behaviors.  It also confirms that hypnosis is very effective in treating a wide variety of issues.  This is because both the cause and the cure of your problems are within you.  Video length: 6:50


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